Girls’ Own Stories is an original HCP program that focuses on boosting self-esteem and academic achievement for girls ages eight through thirteen. This spring, HCP held three sessions of Girls’ Own Stories at Highland Heights Elementary School, Spring Woods Middle School and Spring Oak Middle School. In addition to learning photography and discussing topics such as self-esteem, the students also saw the work from the HCP exhibition, Her Feet Planted Firmly on the Ground. During the program, students created self-portraits, collage art and other photo-based projects all as an expression of girlhood. This online exhibition is a culmination of all their hard work over the past semester.

Teaching Artists

Ceci Norman, Spring Oak Middle School and Highland Heights Elementary School
Jacinta Molina, Spring Oak Middle School
Sasha Dela, Spring Woods Middle School

Special Thanks to:

The Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation, The Anne Levy Fund, The Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation, Arts Access Initiative, Communities in Schools, Highland Heights Elementary School, Spring Oak Middle School, Spring Woods Middle School, Deborah Lugo, Amy Bramlett, Cameron Dumas, Geraldine Cox and Tracey Bonner.